Most Expensive Dress : Nightingale of Kuala Lumpur .... !!!

Experienced the scary charge tag sigh while purchasing for a dress at the mall, you in all likelihood can not have enough money one which charges $30 million. It’s okay! Most folks can’t. That sort of glitz and glamour is reserved for Billionaire Luxury.
In 2009, Faisol Abdullah designed the “Nightingale of Kuala Lumpur” amid excessive tensions. The global economy turned into in lockdown, having experienced the worst downturn for the reason that Nineteen Twenties. In the darkness, the silk and taffeta evening gown glimmered ironically in 751 diamonds. At the time, Abdullah advised Reuters: “Stocks drop, gold is even falling but a diamond is all the time...

In 2009, Faisol Abdullah designed the “Nightingale of Kuala Lumpur” amid high tensions. The world financial system became in lockdown, having skilled the worst downturn because the Nineteen Twenties. In the darkness, the silk and taffeta nighttime robe glimmered ironically in 751 diamonds. At the time, Abdullah advised Reuters: “Stocks drop, gold is even falling but a diamond is all the time...

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