There is a new set of youngest parents in the First-world UK. Baby’s mother same as her offspring is child, too. Father and mother met when mom was 10 years old and still in grammar school. Dad is 13. Mom birthed child at age of 12 years and 3 months making her the youngest biological parent in Britain.  


  1. OMG so cute! :D

  2. How is this possible yarr strange

  3. Great family, not. Failing in school? IQ under 90 and never hear heard of abortion. Society will pay for all 3 of them. Great family. not

  4. Slumdog, part of your comment might make sense or not, however, you are the dumb one for mentioning abortion that lightly! A fetus or baby-to-be is still a living being with a soul!! Also it has nothing to do with IQ! I run multiple businesses. I am anti-woke, pro life hardworking man who respect life. I have seen many people in my life. Many of them who are okay with abortion, they have no soul. They have no spine. That boy realized he is becoming a man a bit too early thus his worried look on the photo. Because he is wondering how he will provide and protect his family at such a young age. I am sure he is doing well now! That boy, that man, that father is taking ownership of his action, he is there holding his baby with the mother, they are together. That girl, that woman, that mother, I am sure she is doing well too, I can see she is proud of her baby!
    God blesses both of them for keeping this wonderful baby. People who wait until 30+ to make their first baby are the stupid ones! 12 is too early indeed (if planned), however, choosing to keep it and take ownership is very good (at any age!)! Shame on the people who talk lightly about abortion. And let's not take the 0.0001% of grape case abortion, they are not the majority. Abortion is and shall be a crime. Who said that society will pay for all 3 of them? I can see a great Father here and a smart man, a great future provider. He is smart because he is there AND worried. = He is thinking "How can I take ownership properly and provide and protect for my family and baby". That's what I call a smart man. The mother is a smart mother too. She is already nurturing the baby in the photo giving good vibes (despite the fact that she must so shocked and must be thinking "omg, what didi I do to my future..."), she still put her baby first! That's a smart woman!

    A smart woman will always put her baby and family first, before herself!
    A smart man will always- put his baby and family first, before himself!

    I wish them all the best and I have a job open for that man anytime he can leave he a way for me to contact him, I will provide him with a good work!

    Take care all!
