How long can a human being survive without washing himself?

 How long can a human being survive without washing himself?

According to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), a man can go without bathing or showering himself for more than 60 years. IRNA reported that a man called Hagi, 80, in a southern village of Iran has not touched water to his body in sixty years, and that for this highly unsanitary feat was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.

The new record shatters the former record of 38 years which was held by a man named Singh from India.

As can be seen on the photos, Hagi's skin has so many layers that it resembles that of an elephant.

Amazingly, the doctor who was doing the examination on behalf of Guinness Book of World Records observed, Mr. Hagi, who has lived his whole life as a homeless mendicant, seems never to have suffered a skin ailment and was in robust health. The report also said that Hagi seemed confident about his well-being and his health, probably due to his positive outlook on life. 

1 comment:

  1. No surprise that muslims are filthy. Rape and murder, don't even wash!
