The Most Expensive Things In The World That Will Surprise You...!!!

The most valuable substances on earth tend to be expensive because of their rarity or because of the difficulty in producing them. 

However, some materials have an inflated value because of the criminal risk involved in buying and selling these items.Over time, the worth of expensive substances regularly changes as the availability of rare materials increases, or the desire for them decreases. Elements like helium are relatively inexpensive, but as the world’s supply eventually dwindles as it’s predicted to, this elemental gas may experience a surge in market value.Currently, the list of the most expensive materials on earth are dominated by rare earth elements such as platinum, precious gems like diamonds, illicit drugs and advanced materials that are dangerous and hard to produce.

 All of these substances share a common thread of being high in demand and low in supply – except for those outliers which have been declared illegal in most countries on the planet.

                                                       Gold – $56 per gram : 

Rhodium – $58 per gram:  

Platinum – $60 per gram:

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide – $3,000 per gram:

Diamond – $55,000 per gram:

Californium – $27 million per gram: 

Antimatter – $6.25 trillion per gram: 

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